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Recently, I've just started to reveal on Instagram my collaboration with Ssek Jeweler, Tammy. We've been in contact since early July and it has been a wonderful learning experience and continues to be.

When we first discussed, we had alot of communication about the colors, the mood and how it should look. Apart from the frustration of learning how to draw something new, there was a strong different in Tammy style and mine. I use soft pastels and her jewelry line was bold and colorful, so when I tried to draw the butterflies I tried to mimic the colors and shape in my own style.

(My process and pieces of different butterflies I tried drawing.)

I tried and tried many times and I couldn't come to a good balance, not to mention that my butterflies looked somewhat rudimentary. What ever I drew seemed so rigid and lacked fluidity & lightness of butterflies. When I try to hard to copy something, I focus on copying and I loose the fluidity from my hands and the creativity in my mind. I remembered in class, I often tell my student's to let go of trying to perfect something and just allow it to happen. It's funny how I find myself needing this advice once again.

So I decided that I should tone down the pigment in the wings, allowing blank spaces and use a wet on wet technique. I translated the lightness and fluidity of the butterflies by loosely adding color and allow the pigment to move on their own. I allowed myself to not think about the shape of the specific butterfly and just color!

So here are the results, I'm very happy with it. Looking back there was a point I was angry and I wanted to give up but instead I tried a different thing each time. I practiced. I shared my process with you guys because everything in life will always have the ugly and difficult part. So where ever you are in your watercolor journey know that everyone struggles to get it right. You do, I do, the great masters do, so just try to enjoy the process and don't give up.

Watch a short video of how I drew my butterfly on Instagram!




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