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The Grand Budapest Hotel of Malaysia.

Travel provides an escape from the daily churn of life but also to an artist, a burst of creativity and wonderment! While short, my trip to Desaru was so pleasurable. This hidden gem just barely an hour away from Singapore is my little paradise for the weekend.

Like my favorite Wes Anderson film, The Grand Budapest Hotel, The Lotus Desaru Hotel has it's odd charm, those washed out pastel disney colors and bright blue doors. The castle style towers with metal flags to give the impression the wind is always blowing a wonderful tropical breeze our way.

These blue waters and that cute pink towel, set us back to the 1980s. Honestly I love it's charm and i hope it doesnt change ever! The staff here has a nonchalant approach to service here that muses and annoys me, the anxious uptight singaporean, reminds me so much of many characters in Wes Anderson's film.

I created this piece with the colors I see in Desaru, the yellow from the sunsets, tan from the beach, blues from the sea and those pastel tones from the buildings. While painting this some sand blue into my work and i really love the effect so I rubbed my paper into the sand and this wonderful effect happened!

Taking these pictures were extremely hard with sea breeze, it was a milisecond kinda picture...the next moment this piece was splat straight into my partner's face!!

Wishing you guys a great weekend and a donut here cos...well....donuts are my favorite thing. Doesn't everything seem better with donuts?

Big Love to all




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