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Brushlettering 2016

To round up, 2015 was an amazing year for me. I've managed to create a small successful business around a delicate and beautiful artform. As much as I was good at drawing, I've never been good with words or lettering so over the course of 9 months, I've draw so many floral wreaths but I was secretly frustrated to never be able to fill them up with meaning.

Brush calligraphy workshop natalie studio

When I reached the end of a class or finish a watercolor art, I wish I could pen down my thoughts or give final meaning to my art but time and again, I've left it empty because I was afraid my words would ruin the artwork.

Brush calligraphy workshop natalie studio

So for 2016, it is my resolution to master brushlettering. I've always admired the beauty of a well-controlled copperplate but I know it's just never in me to create such beautiful structures. So I found brushlettering carefree approach more relatable to me.

Brushlettering's fluidity and flexibility called to me in a familiar way. Since I was already comfortable with a brush, I had the tools, so I chose to pick up brushlettering over dip pen calligraphy.

Brush calligraphy workshop natalie studio

So here are some materials I gathered to practice on my brushlettering.

First I got myself some tiny brushes and dug out my chinese rice paper for practice. It was cheap so I wouldn't feel stress wasting paper doodling words on it. Some wooden coasters to hold down the paper from flying everywhere and beautiful winsor newton prussian blue and black paint.

I love the way the thin rice paper puckers under watercolors and creates little wells in the words. It was surprisingly easy to write on, despite being so thin and when it dries, the effect is lovely. It's not perfect but I always find the beauty in life's imperfections.

Brush calligraphy workshop natalie studio

I understood that the complexity and fludity of brushlettering is not easy to teach and that I was in no position to teach this art when I didn't have the proper fundamentals in dip and pen calligraphy so I approached a fellow calligrapher in my group of mutual friends and we are discussing the course work for Brushlettering Workshop!

I'm uber excited and if it plans out well, we'll be seeing brush calligraphy classes in Natalie Studio this coming March 2016! Stay tuned and keep your brushes crossed!!






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